Thursday, June 12, 2008
Doorbell Ditch
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
By Popular Demand... or at least a suggestion
Enjoy a few new tunes for your listening pleasure. One was suggested by my sista' Lana who rocks out to "We will Rock You" regularly. And because she is a HUGE "Idol" fan, I've chosen the version by Michael Johns. Also, Jen Troyer, the football fan that she is, suggested the theme from Monday night football. Apparently, she needs some music to tide her over until fall. I couldn't resist including the Japanese version of the Hairbrush song by Veggie Tales. Last but not least, who doesn't like the Cheeseburger song by Mr. Lunt! My mouth waters just thinking of it... ummm.
Feel free to leave your suggestion for other music that you may want to listen to as you peruse our family's site. Enjoy!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Our sweet family!
Yesterday Greg took the kids to the local airport where they had an open house. They were able to see several planes up close and even sit inside. But it was VERY LOUD, according to the girls.
Aunt Lizette reading a bedtime story to the girls.
At the park with Darren and Lizette.
Darren and Lizette Came to Visit
Greg's brother Darren and his wife, Lizette, came for a quick visit last week to spy out the land. They were considering a move here from Southern California. Sadly, they decided to move to Atlanta. It's our loss that they and their two beautiful kids won't live close by us. We look forward to seeing them again soon.