Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A Shout Out to the Relatives who visited Ryan and us!

A great thanks to Greg's parents who drove out from Southern CA right after Ryan was born. Papa and Grandma were a tremendous help painting Ryan's room, taking the girls out on special outings, cooking, and refinishing my grandmother's furniture for us - an all-around great help!
Greg's sister Carrie came out from CA for a weekend in mid-September. She cooked several meals for us for the freezer. It was great to see her and have her meet her new nephew!

My mom flew out on October 1st to stay for 2 weeks and help with Ryan. She didn't know that Ryan would come early and already be a month and a half old! She held and rocked him and showed him love that only Mummu can! She even taught homeschool to the girls one day! My dad surprised me with a weekend visit too! Grandpa was so excited to meet his new grandson. Ever the exotic chef, grandpa introduced the family to Tonkatsu (Japanese breaded pork chops) and beef barbecue ribs (which the girls especially loved!). Thanks Grandpa and Mummu for visiting us!

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