Tuesday, June 10, 2008

By Popular Demand... or at least a suggestion

Enjoy a few new tunes for your listening pleasure. One was suggested by my sista' Lana who rocks out to "We will Rock You" regularly. And because she is a HUGE "Idol" fan, I've chosen the version by Michael Johns. Also, Jen Troyer, the football fan that she is, suggested the theme from Monday night football. Apparently, she needs some music to tide her over until fall. I couldn't resist including the Japanese version of the Hairbrush song by Veggie Tales. Last but not least, who doesn't like the Cheeseburger song by Mr. Lunt! My mouth waters just thinking of it... ummm.
Feel free to leave your suggestion for other music that you may want to listen to as you peruse our family's site. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Um, looking at your requests for music suggestions, it says "Anonymous" left that "We will rock you" choice. No where is my name listed! So I don't really know how you can attribute that to me. But I did find your friend Jen's suggestion funny--funnier still that she knew the name and writer of the song!! ha! "Heavy Action"?? Johnny Pearson?? funny stuff.

The Cheeseburger song just makes me think immediately of the McClure kids -- Ben & Moriah singing that like performers and me dying laughing because I'd never heard it before. Makes me miss them so much!

So, for song suggestions, I'd offer something along the lines of Brooke Fraser or just about anything by Hillsong United. :-)

The Troyer Family said...

Thank you so much for adding that.
It might just tide me over until fall! The Cheeseburger song..."are you trying to send me some kind of msg.?" I love the Hairbrush song. We sing it to Dave every now and then because he is lacking hair. Kind of like Bob the Tomato. So we make fun at his expense, which he takes very light heartedly! (Is that a word?)

Anonymous said...

yeah, not so much on the A.I. -- but I got updates and even rewinds from Mom & Dad :-))

Right now, I'm trying to watch "Nashville Star" which started last night because a friend is one of the final 12. And by "friend," I mean in a myspace sense. :-) I do like him though, not just cuz he's tall and cute. You just have to get past his name: Coffey. as in "coffay." LOL. ohmygosh.
but check him out at www.coffeysouthernman.com or www.godtube.com/coffey
-- he's a believer. :-)