Emily is a jester. Abby was a hula hula gal.
We thought Ryan would be a cute cow but the costume didn't fit. At that last minute, we dressed him as a cowboy- minus the irritating hat! They all got LOTS of candy for their troubles.

Emily lost her 2 top front teeth within 3 days! I have had the most fun trying to get her to say various things and listening to her lisp. "Say Christmas!" To which she'll reply "blah! I'm not falling for it, mom!"
Em also had to get glasses a couple weeks ago.
She LOVES them and they help her see better at church.

Here's Ryan playing a duet with Gretta Hansen. Maybe they'll grow up to make beautiful music together!
Greg and Ryan enjoyed one of Emily's last soccer games this fall.
My two little girls are growing up.
I can't take a picture of them without them wanting to "strike a pose"!

Ryan's new past time is climbing into the dishwasher! He loves to put things in and take things out... Oh, to be young again and enjoy the simple things in life! One day, he'll actually help put dishes in. Can't wait!
Another fun thing is to take pots and pans out and put them in and see how much noise a little boy can make! Can't wait for him to put these to work in the kitchen and make us some vittles!
Last but not least, we had the exciting opportunity to see Sarah Palin up close at a rally in Loveland. We waited in a line for almost 3 hours and barely made it in. At the last minute we were able to get VIP access and get up to the very front to see her. It was an incredible event- very fun!
Praying for a job for Greg! Your kiddos are adorable!
You are such a gorgeous family! You all are in our prayers, esp on the job front. love you!
I see Ryan is still carrying around that yellow bat!!! We are praying that God would bless Greg with the most wonderful job EVER.
Very cute pics, thx 4 sharing. Good music 2. cu in Dec.
Bob & Shirley
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